Koen & Dragana Van de moortel - Adres / Address / Adresse / Adresa

Most of the time we are here:

Jules De Saint-Genoisstraat 98
9050 Gent
België / Belgium / Belgique / Belgien / Belgija

☎ +32 9 2277036
📱 Koen: +32 47 7368526
📱 Dragana: +32 49 8108647
(Click on the number to call for free, using Whatsapp.)

Koen: koen@astrovdm.com
Dragana: dragana.vandemoortel@gmail.com

But usually in the summer we are here:

Ulica Četinarska 38 (Popovica)
21208 Sremska Kamenica
Servië / Serbia / Serbie / Serbien / Srbija

☎ +381 21 462278
📱 Dragana: +381 63 7158798

Directions to get there:
In Novi Sad, take the big bridge over the Danube river ("Most Slobode"). On the other side, you go through a tunnel, and immediately after the tunnel, turn right (there is a sign "Beočin, Sremska Kamenica, Petrovaradin", but only in the Cyrillic alphabet). You will come to the road from Petrovaradin to Beočin along the Danube.
When you see the little plaza with a statue (of the writer J. Zmaj) in the center of Kamenica, continue for exactly 1.0 kilometer.
Then turn left when you see a sign "Beograd, Ruma, Novi Sad".
After 400m, turn right at the sign "Popovica" and follow this road (Fruškogorski Put) exactly 1.8km. There you will see the house number 172 on your right side.
Turn left in our very narrow street (Ulica Četinarska). It's the second house on your left!

Geographic co-ordinates: 45.205277N, 19.832645E. There is an error in Google Maps: nr. 38 is at the other end of the street, and the street is drawn wrongly!

Kako da stignete tamo:
Iz Novog Sada idite preko Dunava preko "Mosta Slobode". Na drugoj strani proći ćete kroz tunel, i odmah posle tunela skrenite desno (tu je znak "Beočin, Sremska Kamenica, Petrovaradin"). Tu ćete izaći na put iz Petrovaradina ka Sremskoj Kamenici i Beočinu koji je pored Dunava.
U centru Sremske Kamenice videćete mali trg sa statuom pesnika Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja, i odatle nastavite istim putem još tačno 1km. Tu skrenite levo kod znaka "Beograd, Ruma, Novi Sad".
Posle 400m, skrenite desno kod znaka "Popovica" i pratite taj put (Fruškogorski Put) tačno 1.8km. Tu ćete videti kućni broj 172 sa vaše desne strane.
Skrenite levo u našu usku ulicu (ulica Četinarska). Naša kuća je druga levo, broj 38!

Geografske koordinate: 45.204133S, 19.832768I ili 45°12'15"S, 19°49'59"I